


Staaaaaaar waaars. The final chapter has come. It's almost surreal because it's something I've been waiting for and hypothesizing in my mind for so long. In a way, I've created the hype for myself. That, combined with the media hype has created almost insurmountable expectations for this movie. So, let's begin shall we?...

DISCLAIMER: Everything that follows is fanboy jibberish and will probably be disregarded by me at a later date...

Me, Clint, BS, Luke and my brother Alex all headed to the palace theater for the midnight showing. I was actually expecting it to be not that crowded but when we got there we discovered a line that went from the front doors to almost completely around the building. It was nuts. There was the occasional lightning in the distance, the sprinkling of rain, it was a sign from above, Alec Guiness himself speaking from beyond telling us that all is well. There were costumed girls prancing around asking questions about Jar Jar Binks, there was Russel Rush waddling around with his microphone doing a remote for WBNQ todays hot hot hits station. The excitment was in the air...
Then finally we sat in the theater, in an almost perfect spot, we were ready...
"Lucasfilm Ltd."...
and the crowd began to cheer. It begins...
BAM, right out of the box the movie is "action packed and in your face" ~ Brett Warren of whosinthenews.
I was pleasantly surprised at the fast pace and how different the dialogue was from the previous films. The humor and exchange of lines is so much better in this film.
What makes this movie so much better than the first two films is how stuff is actually interesting, even those Anakin/Padme love scenes that we had to suffer through in the previous movies were now semi-enjoyable. Every scene is just an assault on the senses and beautifully done.
One of the things I was worried about before seeing this was whether it would make me believe that Anakin was actually powerful. It does, besides being physically bigger the film establishes right off the bat that he's powerful as seen in his deul with Dooku.
Probably my biggest surprise and the thing I enjoy the most was how awesome Ian McDirmad's performance is. All of his lines and deliveries are just amazing. There's a LOT of discussion about the sith which I'm really glad they decided to give some explanation.
I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts together when it comes to this movie. There's just so much to take in, so I'll just say that Revenge of the Sith really accomplishes everything it needed to. It's fun, action packed, has improved acting, interesting story line, amazing visuals, ties up loose strings and makes every character believable. All of these elements form an excellent springboard into the next trilogy.
After watching the movie for the second time I immediately came home and watched A New Hope. It was so surreal. The two trilogies flow together almost seamless now. Everything has so much more meaning and urgency.
My only real complaints besides the few things that were on my wish list, were; the bad CGI in places (which can be fixed later) and Darth Vader's "NOOooooooooooooooo!!" after he is created seemed kind of weak. The order or pacing of the last few scenes is kind of awkward. There's nothing really wrong with it, it just seems almost like the movie ends with a montage. I can't quite put my finger on it. But it's not a real problem. Anyway, sorry for the incoherent quickie review. This is one of the best Star Wars movies and even if you’re not a fan of the series it’s still a fun movie you’ll enjoy, so GO NOW AND VIEW IT YOU WILL!
I give it 7.745/10 nerfherders
OK, I saw it again last night, my head is clear, I swear I'll have a full review by TONIGHT! or else. something bad will happen to me. Good day.

YES! Finally saw it. GO. SEE. IT. NOW! Easily one of the top three Star Wars films, absolutely action packed and the acting has improved by leaps and bounds. And the best part, you actually believe Anakin is powerful. Ian McDirmid aka Palpatine is fantastic in this film! Wow. Only a few small complaints for this movie which I'll try to review later tonight. I really need to see it again, there's just so much to soak in, but I'll try. GO SEE IT NOW GO! DO IT! AAAaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!


The day of the premier is approaching! Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is almost here, just a couple days and I'll have a nice long review/nostalgia post for you all to read. I'm getting teary eyed thinking about the saga coming to an end, hmmm. Yep, well, everyone go see it!!!! George Lucas needs cash!!!

SIXTY FIVE excruciatingly long days left until the FINAL installment of the Star Wars trilogy arrives in theaters! ADjweoicjwpioecjpwioejfpIOJPEFJOPWIERJfo!!!! Yesssssss!
The newest and longest trailer recently debuted (during the O.C. on FOX, but I downloaded it online because I wouldn't watch the OC even if they were showing the whole movie during the commercial break) and I must say it met all my nerdy expectations, "best trailer ever". It start out all evil and slow, with the emperor seducing Anakin and then BAM, the action kicks in and thousand spectacular images race by. MMmmmm someone please build me a time machine because I can't wait 65 days.
So now I'm going to go and plan what costume I'll be wearing for the premiere. Maybe I'll go as George Lucas, grow out my beard - check, look depressed - check, flannel shirt and jeans- check, I'm good to go.


Get your costumes on and go stand in line! La estrella guerrea el episodio III Venganza del Sith is almost here!!! Only 219 days aways!! WOOOOOOO!!!! That's only like 19 more days until only 200 left and then only 100 more until 100 and then like only 7 weeks after that. This movie will be so freakin' sweet that you will bow down at the throne of George Lucas and repent for doubting his prequal trilogy! HUZZAAAAH!!!

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