

Television is Not Fun

'La-ckri-tiv-ity' ; LA-KRI-TI-VI-TEE: "a word Brett just made up to describe the barren wasteland that currently characterizes his idea bank. The sweet, elusive idea."

Uuugh, there is nothing going on in my life right now, and I use nothing in it's most literal form. "NO""-""THING". I've tried desperately to come up with some witty story to post, I can't even think of any top 10 list I could make, rock bottom. I sit in my room and I watch TV, I don't know why either; I hate it, I hate sitcoms, I hate commercials, I hate everything on it except King of Hill and the Simpsons but they're only on for three hours a day, so the rest of the time I "have to" sit through an endless parade of
Jared's Subway commercials and what currently seems to be a million Chrysler ads.
(Seinfeld voice): What is the deal with the old man in the chrysler ads?! Was he a famous 1950's Chrysler salesman? Is he or was he the CEO? They suddenly bring this guy back and expect us to know who the crap he is. I've never seen him before in my life and suddenly we're supposed to know all his catch phrases? Sure, maybe there's some 50+ folk out there who recite "if there's a better car, buy it!" in unison, but what are the rest of us supposed to do!? We're left out. And then a tear fell from my rosey cheek.
Anyway, maybe he's the Dave Thomas of the car world! Or maybe he IS famous and I'm just an idiot, fair enough. I'd do some research on the guy, but luckily for you I'm too tired and don't care.
And Jared, oy vey. Sweet dude! You lost weight because you excercised! Dear Subway, no one cares anymore, in fact it's been two and half years since people cared, I think Jared has already paid off his plastic surgery bill, now, it's time to get a talking dog or something, something not hideous.
In the 'boring spokespersons hall of fame', Jared Fogle will be in the number 2 spot, right behind Winford Brimley's "Diabeedis" commercial. There, I said it.

I know, I'm cranky today, sorry, this post sucked...I'm getting rid of my TV, it'll all be better tomorrow.

Have a nice week and remember: "let the wind of harmony blow through your grassy hair"

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