

Thanksgiving Weekend

I'm thankful for many things; comfy pillows, electric blankets, my health, family, friends (sometimes), the entertainment industry, tropical climates, mexican food, velcro shoes etc etc...But this year I'm most thankful for seeing a metal rod fly through a car window and then through Paris Hilton's head. Yes, I spent a nonrefundable part of my thankgiving day watching the fantastic remake of "House of Wax". One of the many horror classics of the past two years which features American Eagle models finding hidden dangers and fright in any and everything. "That guy was here yesterday! Aaagh!"..."They didn't give me the correct change!! Heeelllp!!!"..."It's a guy with a southern accent! RUN!!!"..."It's a JEW!!! RUUUUN!".
What else is goin on...I just realized that I need to start working on a paper for one of my classes, I have plenty of time but it's one those topics that requires you to put lots of ambiguous terms into action. It's about the social/cultural impact a certain genre of film has.
...well, I have to go finish "Syberia", an adventure game I got in the walmart bargain section. It's a few years old, not the best adventure game I've ever played but it's definitely worth the few bucks. Except, it's got this wierd 'sideplot' I guess you could call it, where the main character Kate Walker answers her cell phone at random times and engages in long winded conversations with; her boss, mother, friend and EXTREMELY annoying fiance'. At first I was like, this sucks, what the crap is this? But after a while a tapestry of comic gold unfolds, her boyfriend is easily the most absurd character I've ever encountered in a videogame. I can't describe it, he is so overthetoply clingy and dependent, you just gotta see it for yourself. After a while I was wishing the guy was real so I could punch him in the ovaries that he probably has. The other funny thing (but also kind of inspiring) is how almost every non robotic character in the game treats Kate like complete and utter crap, but she always keeps her rosie disposition. And as the story progresses she gets more and more aloof, until at the end she's just screws everything and goes to Syberia. Yes, she's awesome, she mastered the art of tuning out the world without raising your blood pressure to dangerous levels.
Yes, well, Every so often I like to pick up a good PC adventure game, it's just my kind of gaming, very low key and introverted. It's a nice quick way of seeing exotic places that I will never see and one's that don't exist.

Have a good day everybody!

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