

Intro to Crap

In other news, I'm currently taking a four week intro to film class that I somehow managed to skip until (this) the summer before my last semester of college as a film minor. Not saying I'm overqualified for it at this point or anything...there's always something new to learn and the film screening selection has been pretty good...but good lord, I have to tell ya, I've been in a lot of classes, a lot of BAD classes, I've been to community college. I've taken summer classes at community college. Community college...during the summer...but never in my life have there been so many morons enrolled in a single class. I don't want to be a total A-hole or anything but I felt compelled to make this little list of the best quotes so far...
Top 5 jackassiest quotes from intro to film...
5. During the middle of a test last week we're waiting for the teacher to show us a scene that we have to write a short essay about and some dude in the back starts whistling the final jeopardy tune for about a minute and half...and thinks it's hilarious...look at him! He's just gonna keep goin' until he gets the laugh he deserves! This is comic GOLD!
4. Numba fooouur...The last three films that we've watched in class have had characters who are chain smokers and every single time the same guy in the class feels it necessary to mention (so that the whole class can hear) "dude! they smoke more than I do!"
3. Some girl talking behind me before class in her obnoxious "i'm a rich daddy's girl from the chicago suburbs" accent: "duuuude, like why do we have to watch movies that are like a hundred years old, there are a lot of good movies that are new, there are sooooo many good movies made in 1995, like, for me 1995 to now are like the best movies! why can't we just do that?"
2. After the final scene of The Graduate and the credits start to roll a guy sitting behind me says very enthusiastically to the teacher: "That ending was really indie!"
1. And number one...The teacher is talking about early film directors who also starred in their own movies, names a few, pauses for a moment to think of some more...the guy sitting to my right says "Braveheart. Mel Gibson directed that and was in it."

AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaagh. I try not to gripe too much about pointless things on here but this class has been just too much. Thank God it's only four weeks. Here's an idea for people who think they wanna study your tuition money and go watch the latest 2fast2furious sequel instead. Afterwords you can get high with all yer bros and talk about how sweet it was while you're playing x-box.

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