

The Other Half of the Bi-Annual Art Project

"Guy Who Kinda Looks Like Harrison Ford Haunted by Mannequins"

"Skeleton in Repose in Tecnocolor"
Er, uh, hello. The first in today's offering is an extremely mixed-medium thingy that I did on the back of a Justin Bieber poster. It's supposed to be about the film Blade Runner, and that's supposed to be Harrison Ford holding the gun, but it ended up looking remarkably similar to yours truly. I heard it has something to do with artist self-identification or something. We spend so much time looking in a mirror and adoring ourselves that when he or she lacks artistic talent, or attempts to fill in the blanks from memory, the subconscious mind fills in our own unfortunate features for those of Harrison Ford. Fortunately I have just enough talent and look just enough like Harrison to result in this passable likeness. 
Next on the menu is a colorful marker on woodboard abomination that was created mostly through a series of scribbled accidents as I assembled the pedal board of my electric guitar... turned it sideways and thought "Hey, this looks vaguely artsy and abstract. Maybe I can pass it off as art before I plaster velcro all over it!" And I did!.. All thanks to my very deep and unnerving subconscious that assembles form and meaning out of even my most banal noodlings and nonsense!
Have a great five months until my next posting!

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