

Out Houses are the Devil's Playground

Old People, old, smelly, and easily startled. Outhouses, old, smelly, and can easily startle people. A nice combonation you say? Well they aren't! When these two come together it's like acids and bases, they just don't mix. There are several deadly factors that make "Pappies garage" truly "The Devils Playground!" The first and most evil reason being that Porto "Johns" do not have foundations which makes them easily tippable, which makes them targets for young hooligans! Evil rebel rousers board with tipping cows who can easily cause mischief by simply pushing over an outhouse. Who knows they might even be evil enough to tip it over while gramps is inside!
The last and most deadly reason that outhouses are El Diablo's funfactory are the way they are built. The one size fits all John lid makes it a recipe for Carnage! Tikky Ticky Tembo no sah rembo fari vari vuchi tick terri tembo the old man has fallen into the "well" *wink*wink. Many a good "sailor" have I know fall through the stool into the "sea" during a simple bowel movement. These were good men who fell victim and payed the ultimate price. Some brave men and women have spent days sitting in the darkness, unable to escape their feces filled frightful fate!
I wrote all this to say that outhouses should be illegal! banned forever! Amen!

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