

Free IPod! Except it's Not An IPod but it's Free!

I'm sure you're all greedy and lazy like me. You want a free IPod and you want it now! You don't want to 'complete an offer' and then have to try desperately to get your even lazier friends to be generous enough to complete an offer themselves JUST so you can complete your own offer! Ugh. You also don't want to spend over 100 dollars on the little piece of crap either.
So how do you get one!? Well unless you're rich or want to spend 75 cents on e-bay to have some kid tell you the secret of getting a free one even though he has the link to secret's reveal right in his selling page. You're outta luck, but I do have some rather trendy new alternatives!
1) You've got windows media player,right? Check! You've got songs on your windows media player, check. Computer, check. Headphones, check. Large back pack, right on! ...Here's what you do...
First, trash the monitor, trash the mouse, trash the keyboard, all useless. Then, take the large backpack and insert your computer. After that, take your headphones and plug them into the jack in the back of the CPU. Now put the backpack on, put the headphones on...
Oh crap, you forgot to press play on Media Player. Hook back up your CPU and get that going, now do everything I just said over again...
Once you figure out a mobile power source, you're all set! It's heavy, but it does the freakin trick and you have a heck of a lot more drive space than a pitiful Ipod.

The next solution requires your imagination. The radio. It plays songs endlessly and the battery life is outstanding. But you say, I hate commercials! Well, there's always public radio. But I hate pledge drives, they make me angry and guilty at the same time! Well there's always the old folk Muzak station.

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