

And it came to pass... that Rock & Roll is dead

If Hendrix were alive to see this commercial he would probably smoke a garage full of weed to ensure no memory of this lingers in his mind. If this doesn't signify the official "death" of rock and roll as we know it, I don't know what does. In this commercial for Rock Band 2 we can see that the poser/hipster/apatheticool scenes have (like the Borg) assimilated all sacred remnants of Rock's discernable legacy. Now we're left with grinning videogamers who stand just long enough to turn on their xboxs which now spin the former soundtracks for social destruction. Video Killed the Radio Star...indeed...and so did irony, the ultimate killer of meaningful movements. Remember the phrase "sex, drugs and rock & roll"? Yes? Well, the first of those isn't likely to happen if you're prancing about your living room like a jackass playing a guitar video game.
Who knew that AC/DC would help usher in the extinction of what they helped create.

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