

"Jesus Is My Friend"...

or at least he was until they wrote this song. Looks like Danny and Armi have serious competition for the worst musical performance ever caught on tape. Sonseed, the Assembly of God's answer to Regatta de Blanc, pushes the boundaries of pentacostal honkyness and paints a disturbing portrait of God as a persistent mountie who will zap you...zap. because he does that. Remember Sodom and Gomorah? They weren't indulging in fleshly carnalities, they were writing late 70's, light-pop hits. I have to admit however the rhythm is fresh and a thousand sunday school lessons crammed into my skull. Like wearing a three piece suit to the beach...or the shower.

and as if that weren't enough for one day, dig this, messa'me...A Bob Jones offertory is temporarily possessed by the spirit of the dragon: Siquo...Maybe it's just my rigid Baptist upbringing but I don't think the Apostle Paul would have approved of cabbage-patching and moonwalking as a means of worship, I'm pretty sure he condemns it in one of his letters to Corinth.

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