

The Future of the Soft Drink and Its Deadly Advocate, Caffeine

Today people drink soft drinks like Coke, Mountain dew and Dr. Pepper and think nothing of it. But one day things will be much different, drinking colas will have an age limit like beer. One day in the future, a much happier future, parents will tell their children stories of how caffeine was legal, and how they drank it freely at young ages. Children of the future will only drink naturally gelapitated fruit products.
Too much beer makes people who drink it depressed, violent and can cause liver diseases. Too much caffeine makes kids hyper, addicted and drinking too much out of a can can cause alzheimers. I have seen the effects of overused caffeine first hand. For example, Christmas parties at school, kids sit in the corner chugging a 12 liter of prune laced Dr.Pepper trying to get a buzz and boy do they start acting strange! So enjoy your Caca Cola, Feel the joy of your Poopsi, and obey your thirst cause' in 10 years you'll have to obey your thirst with water my friend!

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