

Deja Vu all Over Again

"The clock doth so wonderfully toll from the hells bells"

Yes we all sense it at one time or another, De Ja' Vu. It is when you think you already saw a thing you just saw. Is it just a visual thing that triggers a "response" in your brain? I don't think it is. Let's look at the possibilities shall we? Since I expierience this phenomenon quite frequently, I'll give my opinion first. I think De' ja vu's are parts of dreams that you've had. More than once I have had a dream and during that day I've thought about it and told other people about it because I thought it was funny. And later that day part of the dream really happens. My de ja vus last 15 seconds sometime, most only last only 4.
The next thing that de ja vus could be would be that the "you" of from the future has come back to the present and caused a glitch in the space/ time continuum.
Or, we might all be living in the Matrix and everytime theres a de ja vu that means were all gonna die cuase there's a glitch.
Or, Aliens are using us a chess pawns and they don't like the move we just made so they "reverse" time and we really did relive a moment.
Or, Elvis' mothers ghost has retrieved a death stone from the land of Narnia and sent a green fox through a black hole with the hellish white satan elves from the land of cadillacs and dinosaurs and elvis and michael Jackson come back to the present and with wam bam boozle and koozy gouzle...*whew*! better slow down there chief. Well nevermind.
Just keep this thought in mind, the next time you expierience this gift of a relived moment, enjoy it.

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