

Minnesota Wedding! THE FARGIN' PICTURES!

Here are those photos I promised. This set is from my cousin's wedding a few weeks ago. I got back all my developed photos today so I now have memories to share, precious, precious memories.
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Camelox, on the former site of Paul Bunyan land. Bunyan, formerly holding an axe, retired from the forresting industry to start his own bowling alley. It was wickedly cold that day, and because I'm too cool to wear protection from the elements, I got the worst cold of my life.
It's MY duckhat, dangit! This picture represents my life so far, whatever that means.
So alone, utterly alone. "Ending it All on the Playground". Photos by Tomas Reuthejew.
Just look at him! Precious as can be!
EVEN MORE PRECIOUSNESS! Hurry! Somebody brush his hair out of the way so he can eat his ice cream!

Samuel and Thomas, former posse members. Now too cool for school since they got to sit at the "special table". Pssssh. Yeah that's right, psssh! I stole your pickles.
The birthday boy! The big groom himself, Zacharybinx~ Mesa Maka him bombad general!
"Essence of Leechy" or "Last known photo of the bride"
Hey look! It's just like the scene from The Lost World, I'm in a movie! YAY! Look mom, I'm Jeff Goldblum!
The After party yo. I offered the cat as a sacrifice.


  1. Hihihi! Funny pictures!
    Looks like it was a lot of fun!

  2. Well thank you. It was fun, I have to takes lots and lots of pictures of things or else I'll totally forget they happened.
