

Dear Heartland Community College, I Hate You.

In fact, I loathe you. Yeeeeessserrriiii, I've started my big fourth semester at HCC. Only two more classes to go after this semester, so close yet so far away from getting my preciously useless associate of arts. I mean please, I've already got a Shriner's member certificate AND a unitarian priest license. I should be able to write my ticket on wall street, what do I need community college for? Well anyway, it was the standard first day of school, minus the excitement and anticipation. I had to peel myself off the sheets for my bright and early eleven o'clock class. First up, biology, woo. I knew going in that there was no way it could be even remotely as tedious or boring as the environment earth class I took last semester. I was right, for the most part. But unfortunately biology is hands on learning, which I only like if I enjoy what I'm learning. I hate science, so I'd much rather just sit and be lectured to. I also knew it couldn't be as bad because it wasn't as unbearably long as environment earth, which was three epic Lord of the Ring hours long. Bio this time around is only a slightly miserable two hour and fifteen minutes, but twice a week...dangit, it is worse...Excellent it's over, let's do lunch...
Mmm! Fargin delicious! Burger King's tenderloin sandwich combo, very delicious!...back to school...
Time for 'History of the United States after 1865'! Sounds epic. Maybe a little TOO epic. I sat and waited for my syllabus, and noticed how familiar the teacher seemed. I could have sworn I saw him somewhere. Maybe it was on some History channel documentary. It could have just been deja vu, probably. This was 'one of those classes', where you just know it's going to be bad, real bad. It's one of those "small" classes, and all the students in it look like foster children.
Hey what's next up on the agenda? Hmm speech class. Boo, skip it. No? Ok let's go...
The teacher's name is "something 'Blue'", that's all I remember, she's old and her last name is Blue, she has lots of pets and she said her son is selling some kind of flying squirrel creature. I wasn't interested.
...went home, two hour break...
My second to last math class, ever. Praise the Lord. It seemed strikingly familiar to the one I had last semester, same teacher, same room. The end. Only 31 days of class left.

I'd like to take this moment to send myself a message in a future...Hello future Brett! You are done with Heartland, I hate you.

1 comment:

  1. hey me, it's you from the future, and you're almost done with ISU. Life still sucks so don't get excited, and don't date any girls named Amanda.
